Piers Morgan Is *That* Guy

Janet Awe
1 min readMar 10, 2021

Most women have been there. I definitely have. You’re polite to a guy, perhaps go for a work drink, even have a laugh, and you don’t think anything untoward of it. Next thing you know, they’re propositioning you — they’ve mistaken civility for something else and now they think they’re entitled. You politely say thanks, but no thanks. And in the blink of an eye, that sweet guy shows his true colours and apparently you’re a bitch.

That’s Piers Morgan. But he’s been allowed to play out this unoriginal pattern of abusive behaviour on our national platforms for years. I don’t even watch GMT, and even I know about his daily, obsessive, bigoted breakfast rants about Meghan. As well as his newspapers rants about Meghan. And his social media rants about Meghan. Jeez, he tweeted 57 times about her in the past week alone. 57. He should have been shut down a long time ago. It’s the behaviour of a rejected American teenager, warming up to a high school shooting. And the UK media has enabled it.

Piers Morgan recounts the night Meghan left drinks with him to go to a party, where she met Prince Harry for the first time.
Piers Morgan obsessing over Meghan. (Give it up mate. She’s just not into you.)
Why are women always in some men’s crosshairs? (Image by The Guardian’s Design Team)



Janet Awe

Firm believer that music, laughter and sunshine are medicine for the soul... Most of my musings can be found at https://www.janetawe.com/blog/